Take a Shot at Climate Change™
The Carbon Sequester is an initiative we started as a way to combat climate change through sustainable and carbon negative farming practices. By using the COMET Farm Calculator created by Colorado State University we inputted 20 years of farming data and found that our farm sequesters 2 tons of carbon per acre per year. That distills down to offsetting 4 miles of carbon waste from driving per 750 ml bottle.
We are striving to link beer and spirits producers to farms that are also implementing carbon negative farming practices to not only create a market for these farmers, but to also “Take a Shot at Climate Change”. We envision this initiative to become a nationally recognized icon that products that qualify can use on their packaging to inform consumers that the products they are purchasing are helping to fight climate change.
Soil Can Change the World
Plants pull CO2 from the atmosphere and converts it food. In that process carbon is released into the soil that micro organisms eat. The soil currently removes 25% of the world’s fuel emissions. With healthy fuel created by sustainable farming practices we can increase this number and combat climate change globally.
Join our fight!
If you are a farmer that currently uses carbon sequestering practices. looking to implement these practices, or a distiller/brewery looking to source carbon negative grain please fill out the form below to join our fight and we will reach out to you as timely as we can.